Corporate Investment Times  ·  Oct 16, 2022 –

Resilient Power is a term from the energy sector that describes energy resilience.

‘The term “energy resilience” means the ability to avoid, prepare for, minimize, adapt to, and recover from anticipated and unanticipated energy disruptions to ensure energy availability and reliability sufficient to provide for mission assurance and readiness, including mission essential operations related to readiness, and to execute or rapidly re-establish mission essential requirements.’

Resilient Power is an energy system that cannot be interrupted, not by catastrophes nor human error. It maintains its performance throughout.

During the pandemic’s trying times, Fortune 500 companies as well as ambitious individuals in business and politics, faced two main challenges:

  1. how to strategically engineer communication with stakeholders for higher buy-in to reach the desired targets and outcomes (20%)

  2. how to self-regulate (80%)

Not only C-level executives and their teams were struggling greatly to adapt to the rapid changes, increasing pressure, and uncertainties during the workplace pandemic, but also professionals and businesses worldwide. 

Having identified a clear need for combined interdisciplinary approaches in complex situations and circumstances, Sharesz T. Wilkinson derived her science-based approach to effectively increase resilience from her decades of extensive experience and studies around the globe.

She has lived in 12 countries around the world, many of them developing countries, traveled to 50+ countries so far, is a multiple postgraduate degree holder and survivor, and has a zest for life and giving back, making a difference top-down.

Her tailored collaborations address the urgent need for agility and creative, interdisciplinary, applicable practical solutions to increase resilience on leadership levels and to engineer practical steps to achieve successful outcomes.

The year 2020 changed the course of mankind, history, and politics forever. As the world is just about to move on from the pandemic experiences of the last 2 1⁄2 years, we are struggling with faster-changing economies, crises, natural disasters, uncertainties, highly unstable political landscapes, and the rapidly growing generational gap in our value and belief systems.

COVID-19 has transformed our lives completely. Countries and their populations must deal with massive changes in adaptation and execution in how we live our lives.

Increased automation with technology in various sectors led to mitigating infection risks while retaining productivity. We witnessed the fast development and adaptation of online shopping platforms, the shift to wireless cash, the movement of entire processes, activities, and requirements onto apps, and the rapid expansion of online course content and communication platforms.

Humans are rooted in personal connection, yet our interactions have to be transferred, and our entire lifestyle has moved online to platforms of choice. Virtual education due to closed schools became a must, and skill-based virtual training to succeed or help prospective employees find appropriate alternative positions became a requirement for the workplace. One-on-one online interactions in adult development proved to be highly agile, efficient, and effective and save time, resources, and energy.

Yet it became evident that real-life social interaction is key for children’s healthy development and adults’ mental well-being. Mental health issues became suddenly a common and familiar topic as the numbers increased by over three-fold during the start of the pandemic, according to the CDC’s National Center for Health and Statistics survey in the USA. Anxiety and depression from isolation and the transition back to everyday life and well-adjusted people proved to be highly challenging. Virtuality-based therapy and telemedicine brought relief when mobility and travel became nearly impossible. In a global study, over 40% of people who are working from home said their mental health declined since the COVID-19 outbreak, which may reduce productivity and result in employee turnover.

For the first time, the majority of people worldwide became aware of and fully acknowledged the impact of mental health on our well-being. Awareness set in for the need to work on our coping skills and self-awareness to keep up with our fast-changing life conditions. Personal shortcomings and weaknesses became glaringly clear under the lockdown situation when compensation behavior and mental health issues became prominent to endure stress factors over extended periods.

Restrictions were stringent, and large numbers of jobs became redundant. Due to the strict precautions, not only the travel and tourism industries took a massive hit during the pandemic. The pandemic and looming death led to unheard and unseen public and personal hygiene levels worldwide. As many of the population had to stay home internationally, the air and environment cleared up, making our unsustainability to the planet evident. We experienced a massive value and belief shift. Generation Z clashes with the outdated realities of the work world, moving on to Industry 5.0, Web 3, and the Metaverse.

The transition forces companies to reevaluate their long-term staffing needs and reduce infrastructure costs. The benefits of working from home, where possible for employees, are attractive, including increased schedule flexibility and more time spent with their families. The previously laughed-upon work-from-home option suddenly concerned most of the working population. The required adaptation and learning curve to online life was steep and highly challenging for most. The growing ubiquity of internet access and mobile data has created educational disparities.

We cannot change the course of history nor the behavior of others. Still, we can learn practical approaches for more sustainability, not just for our mental health but also for increased productivity in the workforce under challenging circumstances.

Engineering the outcomes we are looking for requires increased awareness and accountability about what we need to look at, how we can efficiently address the most urgent topics, and how we can make a real difference, not just to ourselves but to our families, our workspace, and the environment.

Applying proven, highly effective systems and processes to problem-solving skills that deliver results saves us enormous amounts of time, resources, and energy. In an ever-faster-moving world, we simply cannot afford to sit back and insist on how it has been done.

Adaption is not a choice but a survival requirement.

Effective and efficient change management has to start from within.

Further, it must be communicated to all stakeholders and executed with undeterred focus and perseverance, overcoming inner resistance, fears, and anxiety, which are natural responses to change.

There is a system and a highly effective approach to this transition process, which can be learned and adapted within six months to one year. Knowing ‘how to’ engineer your best possible outcome in a world where knowledge is available 24/7 at your fingertips is priceless.

Once we know the how-to, we have a conscious choice in our actions and the tools and accountability to see it through to completion.

This seems like a small drop, but if it falls into the middle of the pond, it ripples all the way to its borders.

That is the beauty of change.

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